Signature Authentication
Most of the times (or less) the authentication of a Signature or Seal is required. Our in-house Certifying Officer, Panagiotis Alexandrou, can provide this service in parallel to all other services we offer, saving time and effort. In other words, instead of dealing with two agencies (signature authentication and document processing) which means time delay […]
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Legalization of Documents (Apostille and Embassy certification)
One of our main activities is the Legalization of Documents. These are documents that have been created in Cyprus and need to be recognised by Authorities of other countries. In this case they must be legalized. The legalization may be performed by either of the following processes: For countries that have signed the Hague Convention […]
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Registrar of Companies
Another major service provided by our firm, is the document processing at the Registrar of Companies. That is, we can process all your company related inquiries (either electronically/online or with the traditional way). Based on our deep know-how and continuous monitoring of each document we can assure you that you will be provided with a fast […]
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Accounting &Tax Services
In addition, and in our continuous effort to improve, we are now offering personalized, high quality services in tax planning and accounting. Through innovation we can respond to our client’s individual needs. We believe that timely and accurate financial information is crucial for businesses to improve transparency and maintain compliance with statutory demands. The services […]
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